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  • High Potential Therapy Machine
  • High Potential Therapy Machine
  • High Potential Therapy Machine
High Potential Therapy MachineHigh Potential Therapy MachineHigh Potential Therapy Machine

High Potential Therapy Machine

  • High Potential Therapy Machine
  • High Potential Therapy

1. High Potential Mode
2. Negative Potential Mode

3. IF optical Mode

4. Electro Stimulation Pen



1.    Headache

2.    Insomnia

3.    Osteoarticular pain & lumbar pain & joint pain

4.    Chronic constipation

And also helps people who have health problems:

  • Diabetic, stroke, arthritis, heart disease, migraine, osteoporosis, muscles stiff and joint pain, kidney disease, athma, cataract, cholesterol, rheumatic, irregular menstrual, skin sensitive, and others.  


High Potential Therapy Mode Function:

"30 minutes has similar result like relax massage for 2 hours"

High potential function helps for stimulating blood circulation, regulating blood pressure and improving immune system. When micro electric intervenes human nervous system, endocrine system will automatically be regulated. Applying High potential function for 30 minutes has similar result like relax massage for 2 hours.


Negative Potential Therapy Mode Function:

"30 minutes has similar result like relaxing in forest for 3 hours"
Negative potential function helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, activate human body's enzyme function, improve acidic body condition (from acidic body condition to low alkaline body condition, pH = 7.36 - 7.44) and remove free radicals in body. Applying Negative potential function for 30 minutes has similar result like relaxing in forest for 3 hours.

High frequency vibration light wave/optical wave keeps the body in balance and be more vigorous, benefits human body at the frequency rate of over 72,000Hz per second, the vitality of body cells will be enhanced and activated, blood flows more freely and actively, diseases relieved and symptoms like fatigue will be relieved, also burning fat for body shaping & weight-losing. Using optical therapy for 30mins is equivalent to an outdoor aerobic exercise for 3 hours!

Electric Stimulation Pen
Apply this pen for partial body pain relief and relaxation, to move on the body parts  forwards and backwards to release pain in a certain body part. 

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Contact: Jenny Xu

Phone: 86-13260538182

Email: jenny@oj-health.com

Add: Building 2-01, Phase II, Optics Valley Core Center, 111 Optics Valley Avenue, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, China.

Whatsapp: 86-13260538182

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